Create Equitable Hiring Practices with SYSTEMS 🌟

this email is for the folks who...

👉 are growing their team or doing hiring of any kind. This could be for permanent team members OR contractors that you bring in for certain projects.

👉 want to build an EQUITABLE business that is a safe space or all.


You need systems set up to foster equitable hiring practices in your rapidly growing business - period!


You want to build a business that not only

👉 takes care of your profits

but also

👉 nurtures your people

👉 and aligns with your personal values.


At times, it feels like we can't have it all. Creating an equitable business requires extra effort and resources, which can be challenging for small business owners like us. But fear not, for systems are here to help!


Here are a few examples for the hiring and onboarding process. to get you inspired:


🌟 Asking the Right Questions

During the interview process, integrate questions that focus on understanding what applicants truly need to thrive in your company.

Some examples of things to ask about:

what their pronouns are

any accommodations they may need (are they hard of hearing or need bigger font? Do they need to do meetings with their camera off?)

Scheduling preferences (do they have a childcare schedule they need to work around?)

This shows your commitment to respecting who they are, what they need, and creating a safe space for all.


🌟 Unbiased Application Review

Try using a blind application process where you review applicants' qualifications and skills without seeing their names or photos (You'll need a fantastic form+database system set up for this). This approach helps to mitigate unconscious biases that may influence hiring decisions. By focusing solely on the merits of each candidate, you create a fair playing field for everyone, regardless of their background or appearance.


🌟 Start Asking for Feedback Early

Establish a system for collecting feedback from your team members regularly, and start it while they are in the onboarding process! This can be in the form of anonymous surveys, one-on-one meetings, or even dedicated feedback channels. By actively seeking input, you empower your employees to contribute their thoughts, concerns, and ideas, ultimately fostering an environment of inclusivity and collaboration.


By leveraging technology and thoughtful processes, you can build a business that not only thrives financially but also stands as a beacon of inclusivity and fairness.

Let's dive into the power of systems to create a workplace that embraces diversity, respects individuality, and paves the way for a more accurate and equitable world.


Are you doing any kind of onboarding soon? Apply to work with me so we can get your systems in place first!


The Systems I design and build for you will make onboarding a breeze, allowing your new folks to feel safe, supported, and able to hit the ground running ASAP.


Apply to work with me today!


Struggling with your VA? 👋 READ THIS!


maintain your ship's steady course 🌊⚓