maintain your ship's steady course 🌊⚓

Leave a comment below letting me know which stage of the business voyage you find yourself in!

When you are a soloprenuer, your business is a surfboard.

You don't need much to do your thing and you are just riding the waves as they come. Its thrilling, its shaky, Its choppy, but its (relatively) simple.

As you start building your dream team, your business transforms into a sturdy boat.

The ride can become smoother if the combined efforts of your crew are aligned. The ride isn't as wild, but there are more people aboard running the thing - so more systems are needed to support the team.

As your team grows, so does the complexity. Your boat is now a yacht.

This requires a whole new level of maintenance and coordination. There is a whole team of people and its a whole lot harder to maintain. If you weren't organized and clear with your team on the boat, the yacht DEFINITELY needs structure and sytems.


As you grow to each stage of business (surfboard ➡ boat ➡ yahct), you need to have the systems in place to maintain - and each stage will need something different to maintain. ​

We think of adding in automation and systems as a way to save time and money, but more simply - systems are a way to maintain as you grow.

So, my fellow sea captains, it's time to take action.

🏄🏽‍♀️ are you still riding the waves on your trusty surfboard?

🚤 navigating the tides with a boat full of teammates?

🛥️ or have you upgraded to a magnificent yacht with a bustling crew?

If you are in the process of upsizing to a new watercraft, its time to upgrade your systems to match.

Together, we'll ensure that your systems match the grandeur of your newfound vessel. Let's unleash the full potential of your business and sail towards the horizon of greatness!

Apply now and let's embark on an adventure that will change the course of your entrepreneurial destiny.

Samantha Mabe

I strategically craft websites for the creative small business owner who is passionate about serving her clients and wants to be a part of the design process. I help her stand out as an expert, find more dream clients, increase visibility, and be in control of her website so that she can grow her business and spend more time doing what she loves.

Create Equitable Hiring Practices with SYSTEMS 🌟